The Gazley team sincerely hope you and your family are safe and well during these uncertain times and that you are dealing with the economic flow on effects the best you can. Over this time we have a full staff of Sales, Service, Parts, CRM, Marketing and Administration logged in available to talk to from home. Should you wish to speak to any of our staff please utilise our normal business numbers located here.
Essential services
As cars can be an integral part of keeping our essential services moving our workshops will be available for break downs and emergency repairs for these professions over the lock down period at all three of our dealerships. Our staff will be able to source parts, tyres and repair essential vehicles to ensure those who are vital to our communities are able to continue to provide the services we will all require.
If you are an essential service (please check the list here) to book please contact our team on or by phone 0800 668 668
I had a service booked during the lock-down period, what do I do?
We have our full service team linked up and working from home. The CRM staff will be in contact to re-book you for once the lock down is finished.
My car’s WOF will expire during this time, what can I do?
NZTA has not yet confirmed what should happen to those requiring a Warrant of Fitness during the lock down. As new information comes to light we will look to update this page, if you are concerned please give one of our team a call on 0800 668 668.
My car is due for service?
Any routine maintenance for your vehicle should be put on hold, our team will be in contact during lock down to arrange a time for you to come in after we reopen. Feel confident allowances will be made for these extraordinary circumstances and negotiations on your behalf with our manufacturers have already taken place.
My warranty expires this month and my car has a fault?
If your vehicle is coming to the end of your warranty period and you have a fault you would like inspected please call one of our team on 0800 668 668. They will be able to time stamp your issue and ensure that it can still be investigated under your warranty condition.
You still have my car from a service?
Our team is working hard over the next 24 hours to get all vehicles that are in with us before the Level 4 lock down occurs. If a vehicle cannot be completed for some reason one of our friendly advisors will be in touch to discuss.
I need parts, tyres etc its an emergency!
If your vehicle has broken down and it is in an emergency please call your vehicles emergency line (located on the sticker on your window screen). Alternatively please call one of our service team on 0800 668 668 and they will be able to assist.
If I come in for an emergency/essential service, what kind of safety measures are in place?
Our team take the COVID-19 threat very seriously. Any essential service works will be carried out without any face to face contact between staff or client. We will use key drops with sanitation and online bank transfers for payment to ensure that we are not adding to the global pandemic.
New & Pre-Owned Sales:
We still have a full range of new and pre-owned vehicles and what better time to be talking to one of our team than when your sitting at home surfing the internet! Deliveries of vehicles will not take place till after we reopen but all other elements of the transaction can be completed from your very own house.