Volkswagen unveils new brand design and logo

‘New Volkswagen’ heralds a new era for Volkswagen. The new brand presentation makes this transformation visible. Volkswagen has completely revised its design, its corporate identity, its visual language and the way the brand communicates.

We have created a new holistic global brand experience on all channels and across all touch points. As a general principle, the aim in future will not be to show a perfect advertising world. In our presentation, we want to become more human and more lively, to adopt the customer’s perspective to a greater extent and to tell authentic stories.

Jochen Sengpiehl, Chief Marketing Officer of Volkswagen

The symbol and trademark will be the new logo. This will be more modern, clearer and simpler. The logo will be reduced to its essential elements and presented with a new design that is flat and two-dimensional. It will allow more flexible use and will be outstandingly recognizable in digital media. To date, the logo has been blue and white. A new blue tone is now being added, allowing additional color variants. As the digital application with simple, user-friendly interfaces has become extremely important, the logo will be positioned flexibly with the new “moving frame” in the future.

Instead of a brand claim, Volkswagen will have a sound logo for the first time. This will make also make the Volkswagen brand distinctive in acoustic terms, both in the vehicle and in communications.

The new visual language of the brand will be very different from that presented by Volkswagen to date – it will be bolder and more colorful. The focus will be on people. Volkswagen will no longer concentrate on perfectionism in vehicle photography. In future, the main objective will be to present realistic situations that customers can identify with.

As in the case of the vehicle, light will also play a key role in communications. Light is the new chromium. In future, the logo will be illuminated, on the vehicle, at the brand locations and at the dealerships.

At the dealerships too, the logo, the moving frame and light will play a key role, with a view to creating a pleasant atmosphere. In general, the cost to dealers will be kept as low as possible. In architectural terms, there will be no change to the interior of the dealerships.

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